Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Why I support Books for Keeps: Becky Blackwell

Becky Blackwell, a new Books for Keeps supporter, tells the story of why she was so quick to support our organization - after only learning of it yesterday. Thanks Becky!

I was very excited to learn about ‘Books for Keeps’ yesterday.  The program really resonated with me because I benefited from a similar program when I was in kindergarten over 35 years ago, and I still remember the impact it had on me. 

Through a local literacy program, I had the opportunity to pick out a book that I could take home and keep – not just for the night or for the week, but really keep!  I soon became an avid reader which kept me busy for the many days I was home alone while Mom was at work.  This was the first book I owned, and it's a vivid and cherished memory to this day.

I’m confident the children you are now sending home with brand new books will feel the same.  And I hope that the lasting impact on their lives will be similar to mine.  Thank you for doing the work you are doing!

--Becky Blackwell

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